My previous post was written nearly a year ago I just discovered. Where have I been, what have I been doing? Booked! No, I didn't commit an offense that landed me in jail all this time, it's just that I was busy with books. Reading books of course, as nourishment for my soul - you'd be surprised how hungry she gets. Publishing books with my new venture Crime Wave Press - check out some of our exciting stories, pulp no doubt but very fine pulp at that. Photographing books or more precisely a book took up whatever time was left. But now she's at the printers, and before long Burmese Light will be out. Not just out but shine I hope she will.
Art Wolfe, the renowned photographer and TV host of Travels to The Edge, a fellow artist I highly respect and who I was fortunate to meet and show my printing proofs to had this to say: “Whether you are planning a visit or have recently traveled to Myanmar, Hans Kemp’s magnificent photographs combined with Tom Vater’s illuminating text create an unforgettable portrait of a truly remarkable country where light, landscape and culture leave an everlasting impression.”
And so we continue, onwards and upwards as I like to say, thinking of new projects, (non) fiction to read, crime to publish, being booked, knowing that I'm not here anymore - and not quite there yet.